"Intrude Family" is a series of giant inflatable light sculptures created by artist Amanda Parer, featuring multiple vivid rabbit shapes.
In Australia, on the one hand, the massive number of rabbits once caused a serious imbalance in the unique species here. The surge in numbers has led to hatred and disgust towards rabbits, and has triggered another round of verbal and written criticism, making them face the punishment of being hunted down. On the other hand, rabbits often appear as characters in fairy tales, evoking memories of childhood and beautiful aspirations.
Artist Amanda Parer intends to present this once adorable character in a humorous way, attracting people to rethink their criteria for judging rabbits and helping us measure the difference between perplexed lies and truth.
Since 2020, the "Light and Shadow Shanghai" strategy has partnered with Australian artist Amanda Parer to showcase their large-scale public art installation "Intrude Family" and launch a special tour in China.
Since 2014, Intrude Family has been exhibited in over 100 cities in nearly 30 countries worldwide, including Australia, the United States, France, Singapore, and more. It presents its healing image and non everyday visual proportions, constantly challenging the audience's visual thinking and cognition, while also triggering public reflection on the relationship between ecological balance and natural prosperity. INTRUDE LAMP - GERALD is an extension of these giant rabbits in their daily lives.